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Register now for the Professional Standards Forum on 19 October 2023

Bookings are now open for the Professional Standards October Forum, on the topic of ‘Managing compliance - tips, tools and techniques’.

The Forum will be held in-person on Thursday, 19 October 2023 from 9:00am to 1:30pm DST, at the Gold Melting Room within The Mint, 10 Macquarie St, Sydney.

This practical, interactive Forum will assist occupational associations in developing effective systems for managing scheme and member compliance with professional standards legislation obligations.

Part one: Overview session on effective compliance management systems

Presented by the Governance Institute of Australia, this session will provide an overview of principles and approaches that contribute to an effective compliance framework, consistent with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) guidelines.

Associations will be equipped with tools and techniques to embed a control environment that supports compliance and meets legal obligations.

Part two: Workshop

Participants will choose from three practical workshopping options:

1. Managing scheme compliance

Learn about key approaches for strengthening compliance with professional standards legislation to get the most out of operating schemes. Hear insights and strategies from a peer association with an applicable case study on good practice.

2. Managing member compliance

This workshop will provide guidance for associations to build self-regulatory capacity to manage member compliance with professional standards obligations. Features a case study from an association with practical tips for engaging members on this journey.

3. Co-design of compliance guidance

Facilitated by the Governance Institute of Australia, participants will lead the design of the Professional Standards Councils' new guidance on compliance.


Registrations close 11 October 2023. Please click here to register.

For further information, contact


October 2023 Forum Flyer - text is replicated in desctiption above.