The Benefits of Professions
An animation about the broad benefits professions provide to society, the economy and the professionals themselves.
What are Professional Standards Schemes?
Professional Standards Schemes are legal instruments that bind associations to monitor, enforce and improve the professional standards of their members, and protect consumers of professional services. Learn more about Professional Standards Schemes.
What are the strengths of Professional Standards Schemes?
Learn more about the strengths of Professional Standards Schemes.
Why are Professional Standards Schemes good for Associations and their members
Learn why Professional Standards Schemes are good for Associations and their members.
What is the professional standards legislation?
Learn about the professional standards legislation.
What are the Professional Standards Councils?
Learn about the Professional Standards Councils, who they are and what they do.
21 years of the Professional Standard Legislation
Dr Deen Sanders, CEO, acknowledges the 21 years of regulatory innovation through professional standards at the launch event held on 3 December 2015 at the Professional Standards Councils and the Professional Standards Authority's offices in Sydney, Australia.
CIFR Financial System Inquiry Workshop
Former Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Standards Councils, Dr Deen Sanders, spoke at a Centre for International Finance and Regulation (CIFR) workshop focusing on the Financial System Inquiry in Sydney.
CLMR workshop on Financial Benchmark and Currency Manipulation
Former Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Standards Councils, Dr Deen Sanders, spoke at the UNSW Centre for Law, Markets & Regulation (CLMR) workshop in Sydney on Financial Benchmark and Currency Manipulation.
Global Integrity Summit
The speech given by former Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Standards Councils, Dr Deen Sanders, at the Global Integrity Summit is available to download.