Research Library

Regulatory structures

A primary interest of this title is how the codes of ethics co-exist with government regulation.


Author(s): John Chellew and Dimity Kingsford Smith

This title outlines the four main types of regulatory approaches or structures involved in regulating professions. Historically, professional associations were the primary regulators of professions through ‘self-regulation’. However, increasingly, government has intervened, initially through direct regulation. More recently, it has been through ‘co-regulation’, where the professional association has a formal legislated role, or ‘meta-regulation’, involving more indirect, multitiered or principles-based regulation allowing for greater flexibility. Contemporary regulatory structures tend to involve a combination of these approaches.

The title has the following parts, where the interaction of the professions and regulatory structures is considered:

  • Self-Regulation;
  • Direct Statutory Regulation;
  • Co-Regulation;
  • Meta-Regulation;
  • Features of a Mega-Regulatory Approach in the Professions;
  • Interaction of Combination of Types; and
  • Summary.


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