Continuing professional development in the regulation of professional standards
14 October 2021
This Forum featured presentations from a panel on the role of continuing professional development in professional standards and regulatory systems for assuring the ongoing competence of practitioners for better consumer protection. This was followed by a workshop session on education and its role in assuring the credentials, conduct and competence of professionals. The Forum finished with a presentation on CPD programs and needs arising from issues identified in claims and risk profiling.
Speaker Resources
Pam Montgomery, Professional Standards Councils
Chris Humphreys, independent consultant to Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner
- Presentation slides
- Getting the Point? Report:
- A good example of an online CPD planning and coordination site produced the Singapore Academy of Law, with links to courses based on self-assessed learning needs:
Ruth Ferraro, Head of Professionalism and Ethics, Australian Council of Professions
- Presentation slides
- Duffy, T.M. and Cunningham, D.J. 1996, in Wright R., Hedberg J. and Harper, B. 1998, Learner construction of knowledge: Using stagestruck to develop a performance, Proceedings of the ASCILITE ‘98 Conference Proceedings, p. 674, viewed 26 May 2016,
- Moon J. 1999, Learning from learning journals: A handbook for academics, students and professional development, Kogan Page, London, UK.
- Scott I. Tannenbaum and Christopher P. Cerasoli, Do Team and Individual Debriefs Enhance Performance? A Meta-Analysis.
- The Group for Organizational Effectiveness, Albany, New York HUMAN FACTORS, Vol. 55, No. 1, February 2013, pp. 231-245. Copyright © 2012, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Ferraro, R. Helping us advance the tax profession pp 184 The TAX Specialist Vol. 12 No. 4 April 2009
Asheley Jones, Head of Education, Accreditation and Micro Credentialing, Australian Council of Professions
John Rogers, General Manager, Law Mutual WA