Research Library

Continuing professional development programs

CPD requirements can be satisfied by a professional’s participation in, and completion of, a wide range of activities including group learning, individual study, research. service and reflection.


Author(s): Andrew Lumsden

This title explores the different types of continuing profession development (‘CPD’) programs and activities that enable professionals to fulfil their CPD requirements (which are set out in the CPD Requirements title). The wide range of activities and topics captured by CPD policies means that professionals have a certain degree of autonomy in planning and recording their CPD hours. Most professional bodies now offer an online platform for professionals to record their participation in CPD activities, making the process of updating and keeping records relatively straightforward.

A review of the different types of CPD activities across five professions: doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers and financial planners, shows the wide range of measurements and caps on claimable hours which guide the fulfilment of a professional’s CPD requirements.

This title has the following sections:

  • Types of CPD activities;
  • Lawyers;
  • Doctors;
  • Accountants;
  • Financial Planners; and
  • Summary.


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